Friday, May 29, 2009

Road Trip - First Stop - Napa

Michelle and I left at 10:40pm two nights ago and stopped over in SLO on our way up to Napa. We got in yesterday afternoon and had plenty of time to go out walking than down to the Rutherford Grill for dinner. Here are just a few shots from yesterday.


JD Da Man said...

Wow... you're really good! I wish I was this good with a camera!


Especially the one with the train! That one is amazing, I saved it for my wallpaper!


swan said...

Beautiful, love the light!

Jamie said...

Wonderfully wonderful! Bring back some of that aged wood for our element tables!

Stephanie said...

Those are so amazing!! I love the one of you smiling! You are my idol!

John Klewer said...

Thanks so much for the compliments guys, I really appreciate it!